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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Well Sandor what can I say. Active,chewing, and barking. We have a 3 year old and a 15 month old baby. We adopted them both. One of the puppies pulled John's pants off. We are going to have some fun. The trip went fine and they seem to have lots of energy!!!!!!! We are going to the vet tomorrow. Sandor,...

Well Eddie. It finally has happened. Dauntee came out of his shell 110% today. He showed like a dream . We took junior male puppy and went on to recieve reserve winners male. I spoke with the judge after and he said the only reason he never gave me the winners was because of the staining. , He said he...

Greetings, Mokka , has been such a wonderful addition to our family and home! He’s sweet and we can really start to see his personality come out!

Hello! Jasmin and I wanted to wish you guys merry christmas and happy new year! Here is a few photos of her for you to see. She has grown to be very beautiful, super friendly and loving young dog. We teached her to ”speak” on command. She loooves winter. Hope you enjoy! Thank you again for bringing this blessing into...

Debbie Hairgrove

Lexington, United States

Bridget Simon

Clyde, Canada

Lisa Adams

Doha, Qatar

Milla Holopainen

Järvenpää, Finland