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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

lulu is great we love her so much she has a great personality here are some pics of our LULU :)

Hello! Layla is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well . Here are some pictures of my little angel :)

Lorena,Estamos encantados con nuestro nuevo cachorro de bichón habanero, así como con la profesionalidad de Europuppy. En todo momento han contestado a nuestras preguntas casi al instante y el cachorro llegó en perfectas condiciones. Sólo lleva una semana con nosotros pero ya es parte de la casa y se alegra mucho al vernos.Cuando vi su foto en internet supe que...

Hi Eddie, Montanna (now called Bonnie). We are from Scotland and scottish for beautiful is the word "bonnie") is here and we are absolutely DELIGHTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is incredibly beautiful and has settled in perfectly. Our daughter's (Samantha) face when she saw her on Friday, was one of my favorite moments ever. Samantha actually cried with happiness - she has never...

Eilene VanWyk

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Cristiane Sa

Oslo, Norway

Ileana Ruiz De Villa Sera

Madrid, Spain

Steve & Sandra Ross

Doha, Qatar