Mudi en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie,Mopar is doing so well, he's beautiful, loving, playful, funny, active, well alert, all around wonderful. We're very pleased with him. He looked very happy when he saw us. He did show a little caution when Gary opened the crate to get him out, but as soon as he was out of that crate, he was very happy. We...

Hello Eddie,We got the puppy last night, everything went well. This morning he was looking around the house and the kids are loving it. Tomorrow he goes to vet to get checked.Regards and many thanksRamiro,Managua, NicaraguaEddie,Here is Oso, he turned 1 year old last week. He won best of breed, first in group in nationals and third in internationals.He also...

Hey Eddie, It's Catherine and Sean. Thanks for the attachment you sent to Catherine's email. Here is some pictures of us and Ali (aka Roscoe). Once again thanks for all the help! Catherine & Sean

Hi Shane, Bella is a sweet girl who loves to spend time with her family. She loves to stay home but also enjoys running around on the park with her doggie friends. Best, Jessica

Gary & Barbara Curtis

Newburgh, United States

Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian

Managua, Nicaragua

Catherine Michelle Prestley

Grumolo Delle Abbadess, Italy

Jessica Meekins

Charlestown , United States

Acerca de Mudi Raza

The Mudi has a long head with a pointed nose. Usually its tail is docked, but it is not unusual for the puppies to be born without a tail. The Hungarian herdsman’s dogs were all classified together until the 1930’s when Dr Dezso Fenyesi separated the Mudi from the Puli and Pumi.

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