Pekingese For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find the latest Pekingese puppies which we have for sale. At times we may only have a few Pekingese available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any Pekingese puppy listings shown, please complete the form accordingly to register your interest in buying an Pekingese.

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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Sandor It was good to hear from you and I shall be pleased to complete and return your survey. I will return it to you later today or tomorrow morning when I have a little more spare time-. As for my puppy Tamsin,she is all I could ever have hoped for. She is growing into a very beautiful little...

Hi Eddie, Sorry it took so long, but as promised, here are some pictures of Bella at 7 months old. She is beautiful and has been a very fun addition to our household. Stacie & BrianCrosby, TX

Hello Eddie, Here are news about Tifany, she has one year and weighs 2 kg. she is very intelligent and obedient. It has already taken its first dip in the pool, she swims well, she is very playful and funny Her name is Tina,we love it. here is my picture Sincerely Dominique Chort

Good morning Shane, Yes we are excited to celebrate Guinness’ birthday today! We renamed her after we got her because of her colors. She is happy and healthy and has been to Spain and the United States in the last year. She loves her walks next to the lake in Switzerland and she also enjoys learning about snow and chasing her...

Perle F.

Valencia, Spain

Brian Babin

Crosby, United States

Dominique Chort

Dommartin Les Toul, France


Pully, Switzerland

About Pekingese Breed

The Pekingese suggests its Chinese origin in its directness, independence, individuality and expression. It has an extravagant, long, straight-flowing coat that has profuse feathering and comes in all colors.

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