Affenpinscher For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

Unfortunately we don’t have any Affenpinscher puppies available for sale right now. Please check again soon for new, beautiful Affenpinscher. But we can still help you to find your dream Affenpinscher. Please complete the form below and you will be the first to know as soon as there are new Affenpinscher litters available.

Want to get the perfect puppy? Just tell us your preferences and we will do all the work.

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Highlights of the Breed
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Puppy Finder service, Dog finder service, Champion bloodline puppies for sale

Did you know that we have homed a huge variety of breeds, including very rare ones, to over five thousand homes worldwide already, with trust and reliability. No wonder we are the number 1 online dog adoption company and by far the most dependable choice to locate the puppy of your dreams.

We can help you discover the puppy you have always been looking for, just by filling out your individual information and preferences in this form. However if you are just looking for that average run of the mill puppy you can stop reading now, its not what we do! We assist people interested only in the most exceptional pure bred or rare puppies, that can be very hard to locate. Second best is not what you will get from us! We only source out the best of the best that our Central European location offers.

Please be patient while we seek out the perfect puppy for you, we probably won’t provide pictures in our first reply to you, as we will be busy contacting the vast network of breeders we work directly with. To find the very best, it takes a little time! So sit back and let us do the work! Finding that right puppy for you, that will be with you for many years to come, is a careful and diligent process which can be time-consuming and lengthy. But it is worth it when you will have the puppy you have always wanted by your side.

Can’t find the dog you really want?

We will do the work for you!
For Personal Assistance from our Breed Expert, just leave us your email address and name.

Check out our previously sold puppies

Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie, Just wanted to write you a quick review on how we found the entire process, along with some photos. Stardust arrived safe and sound. He was happy and bouncy right from day one. We have since renamed him Dusty because he was grey looking when he arrived after all his travelling!! Since then, he's been checked by the...

Dear All Hope you are all well and had a great weekend. We finally can send you some qt pictures of our little Lilly (Hungarian Vizsla)! She arrived last week Sat and it was all systems go... she is a little busy body but a real joy! She looks like a little bokkie (a little buck for my English friends)....

Hey buddy, its Terry and Smirna Devine from Bosnia. We just wanted to let you know that Frank,(Prince now), that we bought from you, is now a proud father of pups just as of 10 hours ago. Terry D

Hi Sandor,My girl is just as cute as can be. We all love her and she loves us more..........I am sending you a couple of pictures of her to pass on to the breeder. Thank you for passing them along to the breeder. I am looking for a show/breed male that isn't related to my female.Thanks for your help............Belinda

Chris & Carlee Jean Brown

Doha, Qatar

Leandra Meintjes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Smirna Pekaric Devine

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belinda Geesey

Narvon, United States

About Affenpinscher Breed

The Affenpinscher, also known as the Monkey Terrier, is a small, but famously furry breed. ‘Affe’ means monkey in German, and they are given that name for their monkey-like expressions. They weigh between 6 and 13 pounds, and stand around 9 – 12 inches high.

Read more about breed