Basenji For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find the latest Basenji puppies which we have for sale. At times we may only have a few Basenji available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any Basenji puppy listings shown, please complete the form accordingly to register your interest in buying an Basenji.

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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi there here’s Montana’s latest photos. But we call her “Chanel” now. She is so sweet 😊☺️

I can’t believe he is a year old!  He is such a lovely dog. He is quite well known in my community here in Spain.  Going to be thoroughly spoilt today.

Yogi has been an amazing addition to our lives. He has such a great personality and is a very healthy and vibrant dog. As you know, today is his 7th birthday, and we held a small celebration for him. I've attached a few pictures of Yogi for your enjoyment.

hi eddie,i was just wondering what it meant, Abby(now called lazy) is the most gorgeous bulldog you will ever see, she is happy health and around 17 kilos now, people stop yz in the street when she walks by and she already has been asked for breeding services. we love her so much, i have also recommended europuppy to my...

Sheryl Ubanan

Manila, Philippines

Belinda Karen Walker

Malaga, Spain

Keara Dotson

San Qurino, Italy

Tarek Mourad Rizkallah

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

About Basenji Breed

Basenji, nicknamed as the Barkless Dog, is a muscular, elegant and athletic hunting dog from Africa. Its name means “Bush thing” in Swahili. The Basenji hunts by both sight and scent. It is known as the African Barkless dog, the Basenji never barks but does have a lot of other unusual vocalizations.

It may yodel, howl, growl or crow, depending on its mood. The Basenji is roughly the size of a fox terrier. Its tail curls off to one side of its muscular thighs. The breed has a distinctive, trotting horse-like running gait. The Basenji is alert, affectionate, demanding, energetic and curious.

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