She is reserved for Graham. Thank you! You just missed out this time!
But if you want a similar dog to Breeze, we can still find your dream puppy, just click the button below.

Breeder's Note

Breeder's note coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to ask contact us with any questions you might have.
Bernese Mountain Dog
1 year
Date of Birth
Oct 19, 2022
Dad's weight
68 kg (150 lbs)

A Commitment of a Lifetime

Since 2001 Euro Puppy has been proud to be the premier choice for dog lovers to find the perfect purebred European puppy. And in those 18 years and more, our mission in life, as dog lovers, has been devotion both to the puppies we deliver and to the dog owners that receive them. Just like you, we understand how a puppy changes your life, and what a big commitment it is. What you really want is a perfect puppy, and that is what you get, but you also get a partner down the road, with the security of our Guarantee.

Read more about our guarantee

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What others say about us...

Mario, I would like to extend my very heartfelt thanks for all the efforts you and your team went through when I was unsure of panda’s identity. It is not often you deal with people who do the right thing and you all went to great extent to make sure everything was as it should be. Your response itself and the speed at which you resolved the issue was greatly appreciated!! I would recommend EuroPuppy to anyone. You are friendly, […]

Hello Eddie, the dogs are fine. They are getting bigger every day! They love playing in the snow and they follow us everywere :) I have send some pictures but i will make some more soon. Kind regards Jenny

Ed, Ubul just arrived I’ll send photos ASAP. Thank you veryyyyyyyy much!!!!! I’m so in love! Best Regards, Najla Al-Essa, Kuwait Dear Eddie, Since Ubul’s arrival on Saturday night, I haven’t really gotten the chance to sincerely thank you for the extremely smooth, honest and very professional relationship I had with you. When I first heard dog barks at the Cargo Terminal at Kuwait Airport, I knew from the beginning that it was Ubul’s! My husband ran quickly to the […]

Hi! Thank you for that email. Luna woke up to my kids singing happy birthday to her. This is an incredible dog. We love her dearly. She loves the beach and the veld walks. She comes with us to visit friends too. She’s very well socialized and she gets attention wherever she goes. We can’t imagine life without her! Kindest regards, Leigh Oosthuizen

Kimberly S. May

Strafford, United States

Heike Nixdorf & Mario Karner (Jenny)

Klagenfurt, Austria

Najla Sabeeh Aleisa

Kuwait, Kuwait

leigh oosthuizen

Langebaan , South Africa

Highlights of the Breed

Life Expectancy
8-10 years
Learning Rate
Very high
Litter Size
5 to 10
Extra Large
Dogs: 85-110 pounds
Bitches: 80-105 pounds
Dogs: 24-28 inches
Bitches: 23-27 inches
Country of Origin
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Working
Other Names
Berner Sennenhund, Bernese Cattle Dog, Bernie