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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie,I just wanted to let you know that I received Tsunami's paper work this past weekend. Thank you so much. It was a lot of fun to see where he came from. He is doing very well.We have had a few tummy issues but I am hoping that we are past that now.Eric noticed that Victor is going to...

Dear Eddie,The puppy (Conan) is now with us at our home.What a wonderful dog. We would like to thank you very much and the whole Euro Puppy team. Its been a great pleasure getting out puppy from you.Thank youHarry and FamilyP.S, I attached three photos of himDear EddieAs you can see from the pictures of Conan, now called Cesar, is...

Hi Eddie!Here's a picture of our little "devil dog" MALKA! She's ruling the roost and controlling my 2 male dogs of course! Bites their tails, steals their toys! LOL She's very funny. We take her to our office everyday so attached it a picture of her in her doggie car bucket seat. People drive up along side us and she...

HI Eddie. Hope all is ok with you. I have attached a picture of Roxxie- she is absolutely gorgeous - a little monkey!!. We are looking to have another female Coton but in beige and white this time to be delivered in July 16th ish. Can you please look for one for us. Thank you and best regards Barbara, Dubai,...

Michelle & Eric Briggs

Frankfurt, Germany

Harry Klonaridis

Athens, Greece

Fran & Jerry Abel

Delray Beach, United States

Barbara Anne Godenzie

Dubai, United Arab Emirates