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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Steve , She has been rechristened as Zsa Zsa ! Your the best!! Kind Regards Shailaja

Hello! Layla ( Cupid) is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well. Here are some pictures of my little angel :)

Hi This is his recent photo. Very adorable and well behaved. I am so happy with the initial socializing and training during his stay with the breeder. Please pass my appreciation to his breeder. He is our family member and we love him so much. Regards So

hey eddie, our pup is here!! we are naming her Mocha. :) she is soooo adorable <3 thank you for alll your help. :) regards, manidra. Kuwait

Padmanabhan Nair

Manama, Bahrain

Ms. Cristiane Antunes de Sa

Oslo, Norway

So Mui Lai

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Mandira & Krritika Malhotra

Kuwait, Kuwait