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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

It’s been a busy year for Finley to say the least! The family relocated back to the U.K. after 6 years in the UAE. He spent a few weeks with my parents while we tidied up our life in Dubai and moved back home to the U.K. He seems to prefer the green stuff to the brown sand but probably...

Hi Marta,We have so much enjoyment and pleasure from our Sammi. He is the perfect dog. Everyone who meets him just loves him and can't resist to play with him. He is very very sociable with other dogs and people and just looks for them to come out when he is walked and play with him.We are so happy that...

Bentley enjoying life in Dubai!

Dear Sandor,Sorry it has taken so long to further update you on Noodles! He is wonderful! It has been an unbelievable year and a half - three hurricanes and a year living in 120 sq.ft. trailer with a rambunctious puppy and a cat. Noodles is finally slowing down and enjoying having a house to run around. Thank you so much...

Nick Graham

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Irma and Donald Levenson

New York, United States

Paul Grundy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

John & Melissa Lewis

Stuart, United States