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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

His name called Heal now and he is a healthy and happy frenchie. I think he looks more strong and playful comparing with other frenchie at my country. Think the he has a really good parents and breeder. They both did some really good job. Also thanks for having this breeder at Europuppy as well:) Attached are some of his...

Eddie,Hope this mail find well.I am really sorry for being silent for a long time. It's been reasons beyond my control, otherwise many thanks for all your correspondences. I have managed to send some pictures of my family members from EURO PUPPY. I am always short of words but you need to know that you are great peopleI would like...

Hi Lasheika, Yes Han is 2! I am attaching some pictures of his----he is an absolute delight and has brought so much happiness to our lives and I hope he feels our love too! Regards Sonia

Dear Steve She is well arrived yesterday morning. Beautiful girl, we love her already. We have called her Billie J She is calm and feel at home. Slept all night. Today she played in the snow in the garden, joyful Thank you. I am so relived and can finally relax. Many thanks for you clam reassurances. Kindly regards Jorunn


Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Alex Nkwanga

Kampala, Uganda

Sonia Khosla

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jorunin Pederson

Oslo, Norway