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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Good evening Eddie This is a photo of Snowflake. She is doing very well and she is quite intelligent and easy to train. I need to know what steps I need to register her with AKC. Thanks, Gail C. VA, USA

Hi Eddie, I am sending you pictures for your references. I have to say that we really love Curacao. He is so nice, friendly and he is always behind me ang going everywhere with me! Curacao is a very fast learner. In a very short time he learned commands: sit, lie down, roll over, spin, stay, giv me five, give...

Hello Eddie,We bought a male French Mastiff from you in Dec 07. He is so wonderful! His temperament is so calm. He is great with people and other dogs. We love him and his breed so much we have decided to search for a female now..I have attached photos of Dexter.Sally Ramos

Thank you so much Europuppy for this wonderful life - gift !!! Fulfilled our family with pure happiness!

Alexander & Gail Carlisle

Alexandria, United States

Sandra Verč

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sally Ramos

Ventura, United States

Basil Kapetanakis

Athens, Greece