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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Zoltan,We hope you enjoy our special story about two Euro-Puppy bernese mountain dogs:That's right! When you view the photos, you are NOT seeing double...Stanley's REAL brother has joined our family. Now there are over 200 pounds of canine fur living at our house...YIKES! If you think you are surprised, our heads our still spinning! Through an amazing twist of...

Dear Eddie, It just to confirm to you last Friday evening the puppy was delivered very well. That same day it passed a veterinary recognition and it was perfectly. Enclosed you have some pictures taken last Saturday. Thank you very much. Best regards Pedro

Dear Steve and Eddie, Just letting you know that everything went well with the puppy. He arrived as planned. I took him to the vet and he confirmed that he looked quite healthy. So everything is ok. Attached are some photos of Dante. Thank you again for all your profesional help. Lacovos

Hi eddie Paul came already and edwin is so cute :D But rigth now his tired ill send u some pic soon thank you so much eddie :D Paulina, Schweinfurt, Germany

Tim & Jennifer Torigian

Boston, United States

Pedro Rovira Viñas

Madrid, Spain

Iacovos Panteli

Nicosia, Cyprus

Paulina Arellano

Schweinfurt, Germany