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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

We just wanted to say Thank you we love Rambo!!! We sent you a picture of him. The Schroeder Family, Clearwater, Florida FL

Hello Eddie and Tibor, We are on our way home from Washington DC with a beautiful white fluffball snuggling in the back seat. She had some play time outside after the long flight and seemed healthy and sweet. We will take her to the vet tomorrow and let you know what they say, but so far, so good! Thank you...

Hello! Hugo is 2-years now❤️ He is funny, playful and so loved doggy. I send you a few photos and you find more about Hugos life from his instagram @hugoboy_cavapoo

Hello! Thanks for your greetings! The Birthday girl is residing in Moscow at the moment and is lively, energetic doggy, as she always was. She likes to model. She has her minpin brother who is older and one younger, but big rescue pup to keep her company. She is a character: manipulating people, who are vulnerable to cuteness and bossing...

Brian Weigand & Suzanne Schroeder

Clearwater, United States

Jay McDaniel Thomas

Apex, United States


Loviisankatu , Finland

Ekaterina Turnebef

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates