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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie, It's been about two years since we received our beautiful Chona from Europuppy and she has grown to be the most loving and awesome puppy ever. Attached are some pictures of her and her best friends. As you can tell, she is very photogenic. Thank you for such a great companionThanks, Alonso CA, USA

Hello Eddie,Chelsea arrived yesterday around 12 noon. We did not get home until around 4:45p.m. and all local vets close at 5:00p.m. So she will be going today around 1:00. She is doing great and is as sweet as could be!Here are a couple pictures from when she arrived! I will e-mail again as soon she leaves the vet and...

Dear Gabor, Zafir is our joy! She's very smart and full of love. All the people can't help falling in love with her!! We send our kindest regards to the breeders, and we would like to thank them a lot for raising this beauty for us! kind regards.

Dear Varga, Appreciate your follow up and we are very pleased to have Quincy (Phantom) with us, he is coping very well to the new climate and enjoying his time with us. One thing is for sure, he is a very well behaved house dog and enjoys sleeping in our bed. Thank you and your team for ensuring that he...

Alonso Torres

Fresno, United States

Jenna Leigh Barnes

Kenly, United States

Natalya Spadea

Lugano, Switzerland

Naser Al Omaira

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates