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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie,We picked up Igloo from the airport Friday with no problems. We were so excited to see him! After sleeping most of the day he got up the next morning ready to play. Igloo has been chasing the ball around the yard and chewing on his rope toy ever since.Thanks,Mason and Kattie Trantham

Marta,I can't thank you enough for all that you have done to get this beautiful girl to me, I appreciate you and the quality of service that your company provides. Buying a puppy from so far away, is a really scary decision, but you always made me feel comfortable, and at ease.Now that I have her, I can't believe how...

Manny is a wonderful dog!!! We got him when he was 4 months old. He immediately got used to his new house. We changed his name to Hermes. We have a big yard and he plays every day. All the family is in love with him. His most recent photos are attached. He is now a year old, grown to...

Hello Eddie,THE PUPPY IS HERE :) he is healthy and happy. Learning his new home and already a part of the family. Saturday we'll take him to the vet and I'll update you then. Thank you so much for helping me to do this.

Mason & Kattie Trantham

Wiesbaden, Germany

Sherri Leonard

Garden Grove, United States

Sofia Androudi

Thessaloniki , Greece

Hany Alanwer

Edmonton, Canada