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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie,I wanted to provide you with an update on Xander. He is turning 6 months old on August 11th and currently weighs 102 lbs. He is the most stunning animal I have ever seen or owned for that matter. His personality is to die for... outgoing yet laid back, protective yet friendly, a beast in size yet very gentle....

Our tired little puppy finally made it home. He is bouncing back quickly. Thanks so much to all.Jean-Pierre MobasserEddie, So glad you want to see more photos. Vegas is a great dog who likes LOTS of attention. He enjoys playing outside with our Vizsla. He likes taking long walks, and more than anything he likes having his belly rubbed. Sorry...

Hi there Eddie!We took the puppy, now called Rosie as she's so pretty, to the vet this morning (Saturday) - she was given one final vaccination and declared fit and healthy :)She is so adorable, and we're thoroughly enjoying her company. Our other dog is a little jealous, but she's a lovely temperament, so it's just a matter of time....

Eddie,I am very happy to say the panda is now at his new home with us!!!!!We are so happy to have him. we have been enjoying him all day. he is such a character. i have to say that we were very nervous throughout this entire process. up until we saw him brought through the door at the airport. Then...

Kelley Johnson

Groton, United States

Jean-Pierre Mobasser

Indianapolis, United States

Claire Huddleston

Doha, Qatar

Alex Alonso

Miami, United States