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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

No amount of words can ever express my gratitude to you and your company for the wonderful service but above all the wonderful puppy you delivered to me.

All the doubts that I had that I would get the puppy I was seeing on your website vanished the moment I saw her at the airport. Everything went so smooth and your service is impeccable. Much much simpler than I thought!

Hello Lasheika Thank you for your birthday wishes for Tilly Mignon (as she is now known). Attached are a couple of photos of Tilly. The second photo is Tilly with her new sister, Cleo. Best regards, Nicole and Tilly

Hi Steve, LuLu (previously named Mignon) is settling well to life in Dubai.She arrived in the wee hours of the morning with Terry (Thanks, Terry!) and hasn't looked back since. LuLu was given a clean bill of health by our vet and continues to grow each day.She enjoys playing with EVERYONE and socializes well with other puppies and dogs.Initially, we...

Dear Monika,Ohhhhhhhhh! She's everything we thought she would be and MORE! She's here (still no name yet) and safe and she seemed to handle the trip very well (no diarrhea). She's eating and drinking well. She will see our veterinarian today.My kids are already in love (five kids ages 18 to 3 years). You should hear my husband talk to...

Francesco Cachia

Swieqi , Malta

the Weavers

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jennette Drew

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Kim D. Zdep

Haskell, United States