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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

He is the most beautiful puppy we have ever seen with the best temperament and nature. We really could not be more pleased with him. The service you provided was exceptional and I will definitely recommend this service to anyone I know who is interested in getting a dog. It took just a few hours for Norton to adjust to...

Eddie, He has been such a great addition to our family. He is a great dog! I am sorry that it has taken so long for me to get you some pictures, military life gets a little crazy here and then. He has became a well traveled dog. I have attached more pictures that I came across, so they can...

Mario, My husband and I were overjoyed when we picked up fiona! we were wonderfuly surprised to find out that she is more beautiful in person. her personality is perfect. she is confident, playful,intelligent, and she is already barking when some one comes to the door. she has the desire to protect us in only a week. we can not...

Ed, Sorry i took so long to send pic eddie. We changed Summit's name to Amelia and she is doing just fine with our 3 year old english bulldog. She's 15 pounds now. Thanks for the wonderful new addition to our family and it was a pleasure doing business with you. Hazen, Kreimbach-Kaulbach, Germany

Lukas Kuhn

Zurich, Switzerland

Todd & Zoila Barber

Baumholder, Germany

Joe Carrado

Ft. Lauderdale, United States

Hazen Sanders

Kreimbach Kaulbach, Germany