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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve & Eddie. Mercy is a lovely girl and I'm just delighted to be a dog owner again - think she'll be getting house clean in coming week. She's becoming attached - follows me to bathroom and kitchen - even if just 2 minutes, she prefers to be very close. She also loves snuggling up in her sleep if...

Dear Eddie, I wish that you are doing great and enjoying the beginning of this new year. I really miss emailing you ;) Well, I wanted to share with you a few photos of McCoy as he is nearly 8 months. He is extra Hyper and full of power and for sure so handsome. Enjoy the photos dear friend. Until...

Hello Lasheika Thank you for your birthday wishes for Tilly Mignon (as she is now known). Attached are a couple of photos of Tilly. The second photo is Tilly with her new sister, Cleo. Best regards, Nicole and Tilly

Good Morning Shane, Hope you are well and thank you for your email.  Thank you for remembering Bear's birthday, it was lovely to receive your acknowledgment. Please find attached some updated pics of Bear, we would be very happy to share them with the breeder and if you would like to use them for social media that is totally fine....

Camilla Skovgaard

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ghadah Moubarek H. Al Rashid

Doha, Qatar

the Weavers

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Yanbu , Saudi Arabia