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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Lasheika, Thank you for Checking in on us and Maximus. He is everything I could wish for! He’s perfect in so many ways and reminds me so much of my Massimo that passed away. Y’all have gave us the love of our lives a few times and I want to thank you and the breeders. We renamed him maximus...

Eddie, You may not remember us as it has been long but we bought Bam the maltese puppy. I thought some pics would be nice to show you. Just wanted to let you know that he is great. He has had a haircut because it is so hot here and his long show hair was acting as a mop. Hope...

Mario,Just wanted to touch base since we bought our female. She loves her new home in Ventura CALIF. We named her Ginger. Dexter (our male) was very excited to have a play mate and they still to this day sleep together and play around the yard. They each have their own bed but she likes to crowd his like she...

Hi Steve, Hunter arrived safely this morning. He is perfect and we have just taken him to the vet to be checked out. In perfect health - lovely dog. Thanks so much! Cheers, Nigel

Michelle Taylor

Culpeper, United States

Monalynn Pringle

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sally & Mark Ramos

Ventura, United States

Nigel Franklin

Dubai, United Arab Emirates