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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie,I just wanted to thank you for everything. Aomori is now at home and greets you from his new bed and star-shaped pillow!!! He also visited the vet and everything is fine...Thank you so much for everything!!We will be sending you pictures soon to have it on your website if you wish to!Alitsia

hello, attached is a photo of Impreza. She has settled in very well and gets along very well with the other two dogs. As you can see in the photo, she has already taken over the command.

Hi Monika,This is Rachel, from Boston. I bought my puppy Bella from you guys in December and I just wanted to let you know I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. Everything was smooth in the transaction, and Bella has turned out to be a beautiful dog, although I'm sure everyone says that!When she arrived she was...

Hello Eddie, Just want to forward some photos of Sniper; please forward them to the breeder. Sniper is a wonderful dog, he has a good heart and is very intelligent. He weights 120 lbs. & is 24 inches at the withers; although he's a big dog, he's graceful and thinks he's a puppy. He is a wonderful companion. Rebecca Christensen

Alitsia Maria Ziomek

Larnaca, Cyprus

Cornelia Brenner

Niederndorferberg, Austria

Rachel Benasky

Boston, United States

Hans Christensen

Dallas, United States