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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Thank you Shane. Boom Boom is the cleverest and sweetest boy I have met ever. He is now living happily in Hong Kong with 2 dog friends. I would definitely recommend Euro Puppy to my friends and I would love another dog from Euro Puppy later when he/she is the one 😃

Dear Shane & Europuppy, Thank you for wishing our Born to be wild, Tommy, his 1st birthday!! We celebrated with a long day at the dog park and lots of food!! He lives up to his name :D He’s full of energy and a total sweetie pie. He’s living his best life traveling around the world and staying active. We...

She is the BEST!!! Vet says she is perfect. Here she is in her new coat. And in bed with my 11-year-old doxie Henry Longfellow. Your service was superb! liz

Hey Eddie,Its Dat and Stephanie today was Ando's 1st birthday we made him a cake(dog approved of course) and took him birthday shopping its so hard to believe hes a year old and that I've almost had this lovable guy for almost a year everyone loves him every where we go he always makes friends..well here's a few pictures of...

Yuen Yee Cheng

Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Copenhagen, Denmark

Liz Titus

New York, United States


New Orleans, United States