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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi eddie Paul came already and edwin is so cute :D But rigth now his tired ill send u some pic soon thank you so much eddie :D Paulina, Schweinfurt, Germany

Dear Sandor,This little girl is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet, cuddly, beautiful, playful... these attributes are all wonderful but even more impressive is how smart and courageous and what a fast learner she is!! She is 100% perfect and an absolute joy!I had contemplated several names for a new girl puppy and had narrowed it down to Bronte, Chloe, Emma or Roxy. I...

Dear Euro Puppy USA,Now that I've had my Neapolitan Mastiff puppy for over a month, I wanted to drop you a line to show my appreciation and perhaps share my experience with your future customers.For many years, I had wanted a Dogue de Bordeaux however my wife wanted a Rottweiler. I had also been familiar with Neapolitan Mastiffs and showed...

Hi Steve How are you I just wanna send u some of my danes photos Many thanks for making my wishes come true Abdulrahman How are you Eddie? Here are some picture of opal and poison they are 8 and 9 months old and exactly what u described poison is reserved and opal is agile and extremely active

Paulina Arellano

Schweinfurt, Germany

Carole Johnson

Monterey, United States

Michael Paulsen

Tampa, United States

Abdulrahman Ahmad Helmy

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia