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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

We can't believe our pretty girl has turned 4! Time is sure flying by! She still loves her home here in Kuwait! Thank you, Euro Puppy! The Hibberd Family!

Thank you for all of your help answering my questions before "Flash's" arrival, now "Dagwood".He is amazing!I will be faxing his vet records to the number on the 1 year guarantee tonight.Dagwood just went to the vet today and has a clean bill of health.The vet was very impressed and said he is a beautiful dog!Thank you again for all...

Eddie,Here are pictures of Kahlua, aka. Betty from when she was competing in MySpace's Miss Dog USA contest. She didn't win, but she looks oh so cute! We love her so much! She's such a sassy fire cracker. She likes to boss Bailey around. :)Thank you,Jessica

Hi Eddie,I wanted to send you an updated picture of Camille. She is the sweetest baby girl. She has become such a big part of our family. My grandchildren, ages 4 and 2, love her as much as we do and she them. Patty

Michael Hibberd

Sabah Al-Salem, Kuwait

Tami Z Mears

Valparaiso, United States

Sebastian & Jessica Henao

Wyoming, United States

Patty & Rocky Worley

West Fork, United States