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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie, Its Jenny. Tux made it safe and sound. He is adorable, and such a good boy, I wish we could afford his brother Baltasar too. He already did his no. 2 outside! Paul was great, I feel bad for him with his long trip, wanted to give him some lunch and coffee but he had 3 more pups...

Hello! Layla is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well . Here are some pictures of my little angel :)

Mario-I just wanted to thank you again for helping with the process of getting my baby home! Dante, as we call him, is doing very well. His ears were cropped about three weeks ago and have healed very nicely. He is almost 5 months and is 65 lbs- and I'm keeping him pretty thin right now! He is doing great...

Dear Eddie, It just to confirm to you last Friday evening the puppy was delivered very well. That same day it passed a veterinary recognition and it was perfectly. Enclosed you have some pictures taken last Saturday. Thank you very much. Best regards Pedro

Jennifer & Francois Methot

Krefeld, Germany

Cristiane Sa

Oslo, Norway

Alysha Forsythe

Acworth, United States

Pedro Rovira Viñas

Madrid, Spain