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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Sandor,We are just getting home with one of the cutest and by the way very healthy looking pup I've ever seen, and even though she seems very nervous she looks like she is doing great..Thank you for such great service she is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! Your service is great, the pictures you sent in the Email did her no justice.The air...

Hi Steve! Felix is so cute and all family like him. It's a good and joyful boy. I will send you some pictures. Thank you for everything.

Dear Shane, Thank you. It was a pleasant surprise to get your message wishing our dog a happy birthday. We celebrated his birthday and bought him an entire fresh steak for him to eat. He was happy not to eat his regular dry food. I am sending you eight photos to share with the breeders too. We are so grateful...

Dear Sandor,Bacchus continues to do really, really well! He is such a loveable and delightful puppy! We adore him and can't thank you and his breeder enough for him...he is precious! He is on the move so much that I really can't capture his personality in pictures because he is so active! I have to wait until he is ready...

Annette Males

Tampa, United States

Kyoko Schmid

Cointrin, Switzerland


Jerusalem , Israel

Lisa Sutphen

Baldwinsville, United States