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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Gàbor and Gina, Thank you for your email last week. I'm sorry I've taken so long to reply, but little Chewbacca is keeping us all busy . I wanted to write to you both to thank you for all the help you have given us since we contacted you about buying our puppy. You have both been fantastic and the...

Sandor,Sorry it's taken me so long to write and tell you how Nacho is doing. He's doing fantastic!!! Sadly I'm deployed again, but my parents are taking great care of him.I attached a few pictures of him at his birthday party my parents threw for him and my parent's dog, Einstein. I've also attached another picture of him at my...

The best decision we made to get him, he is our sweetheart :) Chandni

Hi Eddie!Here's a picture of our little "devil dog" MALKA! She's ruling the roost and controlling my 2 male dogs of course! Bites their tails, steals their toys! LOL She's very funny. We take her to our office everyday so attached it a picture of her in her doggie car bucket seat. People drive up along side us and she...

Lisa Marshall

Zug, Switzerland


Brooklyn, United States

Gaurav Narang

Älta , Sweden

Fran & Jerry Abel

Delray Beach, United States