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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie, As you know, my husband and I have wanted a Komondor for years. We had looked and looked, and they were not easy to find. I finally learned about Europuppy. It was at first scary to think about getting a dog from another country, but I quickly learned that I could trust your company from your prompt service....

Eddie, Our Transylvanian Hound is now a few days shy of four months and she is fantastic. She is gorgeous, smart and defiant. She is taking obedience classes and impresses us and the trainer with her quick learning. Thanks again for making this hapen! Per

Hello Lasheika, thank you so much for your kind wishes, Brew is the best dog I’ve ever had. Here are some photos of Brew.

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!! He is doing fantastic! He is an amazing dog and my buddy all day every day being my service dog. We couldn't have asked for a better pup. Thank you so much!

Jessica Lorraine Williams

Alma, United States

Per Högdahl

Colorado, United States

Aseel AlFailakawi

Kuwait city, Kuwait

Laura Bigley

Vogelweh , Germany