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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie & Tibor,I just want to inform you that Harmony arrived safe, and we have her now atour home.Thank you for all of your efforts, it was a pleasure working with you.Cheers,MoniqueHere is a pic till I get u another :) and I will write a review..

Hi Sandor,My girl is just as cute as can be. We all love her and she loves us more..........I am sending you a couple of pictures of her to pass on to the breeder. Thank you for passing them along to the breeder. I am looking for a show/breed male that isn't related to my female.Thanks for your help............Belinda

Hi! Thank you so much for remembering Kenzy’s birthday!!! She is the sweetest and most gentle dog I’ve met and at the same time super playful. She loves going on trips to meet 2 other Shih Tzus in the neighborhood. When someone new comes into the house she is usually protective but once she knows they won’t harm anyone, she...

Hey Eddie,We received her yesterday night and we have decided to call her Alice...just got back from the vets about an hour a go, she is good and healthy...if there is anything else you need from us just let us know....thank you for all of your help and happy holidays.Thanks,Shawna and Lance

Monique Zabal

Cairo, Egypt

Belinda Geesey

Narvon, United States

Yasmeen Algosaibi

Dammam , Saudi Arabia

Shawna Wonch

Wiesbaden, Germany