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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie - She's doing great! Here are a couple fo pics. Patricia Beal, Germany

Mario,We picked up Solomon at the airport a couple of hours ago. I want say I had my doubts about ordering pets online but EuroPuppy is awesome and I would recommend you to anyone and everyone. Not only did I receive great communication from you and the rest of the Europuppy staff, I received a lot of useful information without...

Dear Shane good morning, I was really nice that Euro puppy remembered Sherlock's birthday. Sherlock is a really happy Goldie and is really comfortable and integrated with the whole family. He like to swim a lot, very playful.. Attached please find requested photos Regards Frank Axiak

Hi, Thanks for the birthday wishes Odie has been doing great in Hong Kong.

Patricia Simoes Beal

Oberstein, Germany

Sean T Lewis

Middleburg, United States

Frankie Axiak

Qrendi , Malta

Heidi Chiu

Hong Kong, Hong Kong