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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve, LuLu (previously named Mignon) is settling well to life in Dubai.She arrived in the wee hours of the morning with Terry (Thanks, Terry!) and hasn't looked back since. LuLu was given a clean bill of health by our vet and continues to grow each day.She enjoys playing with EVERYONE and socializes well with other puppies and dogs.Initially, we...

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to thank you and everyone at Europuppy who sent us this wonderful puppy! She brings a great new energy and lots of comedy to our house! She is such a little lady, she has had no accidents, and she doesn't chew on everything in sight. She loves to go everywhere with us and is curious about...

Dear Eddie,For the past 6 months i have been looking for THE perfect puppy for me and kept failing to the point that i thought finding him is impossible. Till one day a friend recommended your site so i logged on and started searching and fell upon the sweetest little doberman puppy ever! i just had to have him and...

Dear Eddie, She is doing well and is finally healthy. She has a great personality and we enjoy her very much. After we got the worms out of her system she has put on weight steadily and if getting huge. thank you Jamie Harris

Jennette Drew

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Kimberly A. Lockwood

Berlin Mitte, Germany

Mashael Muteb al-saud

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Richard Harris

Al Kuwayt, Kuwait