Grissom - Perro de Montana Barnés perro a la venta

Campeón de línea de sangre
Campeón Padre/Madre

Nota del Criador

Pronto estará disponible la nota del criador. Mientras tanto, no dudes en contactarnos si tienes alguna pregunta.
Perro de Montana Barnés
14 semanas
Fecha de Nacimiento
Jan 23, 2024
peso de la madre
55 kg (121 lbs)
peso del padre
50 kg (110 lbs)

Un compromiso de por vida

Cada uno de nuestros perros viene con nuestra Garantía de Sanidad de por vida. Si su perro llega a tener una enfermedad mortar congénita o genética o alteración en la calidad de vida estará protegido. Incluso cubrimos a su perro contra problemas como luxación de rótulas graves y displasia de cadera y codo severa. Garantizado para toda la vida de su perro! Sin embargo no nos gustaría que se tuvieran que enfrentar con la tragedia de tener que utilizar esta garantía por lo tanto nos aseguramos de ofrecer los mejores cachorros de líneas de sangre genéticamente saludables!

Leer más sobre nuestra garantía

Más cachorros de Perro de Montana Barnés en venta

Lo que otros dicen sobre nosotros...

Dear Zoltan, We hope you enjoy our special story about two Euro-Puppy bernese mountain dogs: That’s right! When you view the photos, you are NOT seeing double…Stanley’s REAL brother has joined our family. Now there are over 200 pounds of canine fur living at our house…YIKES! If you think you are surprised, our heads our still spinning! Through an amazing twist of fate, we discovered that one of Stanley’s littermates was in need of a new home. The story is […]

Hello Eddie, the dogs are fine. They are getting bigger every day! They love playing in the snow and they follow us everywere :) I have send some pictures but i will make some more soon. Kind regards Jenny

Dear Sandor, Oh my…what can say. He is great and huge! When we picked him up, he was wagging his tail and he was so excited and just wanted to play. He has been running non-stop since we got home and finally settled down to sleep. Our other dog, Tanner (who was way more calm as a puppy) and him are already getting along well and playing nicely. Our cat really can care less at this time. Thank you for […]

Hello Sandor and Zoltan,It was a long trek to Denver on Friday (721 miles round trip). The temperature reached 107 degree F (42 degrees Celcius). The traffic going through denver was terrible and it became apparent that we would be late picking up the puppy. I was also concerned about the effect of the temperature on the puppy. We arrived 45 minutes after the scheduled arrival time but discovered that it takes about 90 minutes to transport cargo to the […]

Tim & Jennifer Torigian

Boston, United States

Heike Nixdorf & Mario Karner (Jenny)

Klagenfurt, Austria

Keith & Nicole Davis

Boston, United States

Jim & Alicia Adams

Riverdale, United States

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
8-10 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Muy alta
Tamaño de la Camada
5 to 10
Extra grande
Perros: 85-110 libras
Hembras: 80-105 libras
Perros: 24-28 pulgadas
Hembras: 23-27 pulgadas
País de Origen
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Working
Otros Nombres
Berner Sennenhund, Bernese Cattle Dog, Bernie