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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi guys Checkers arrived last night he was fine except for a cut across the bridge of his nose with some fur missing otherwise he was full of beans and kept us up until 2am and woke again at 4. I feel like a new mum again!! He is beautiful though!! A big thanks to all the team and I...

Hello Steve after a long time.. I'm sorry that it take for so long that I contacted. pup is really well and in good condition .. she's really energetic, initially felt that way too energetic for our pack but she has already calmed down so much,shes energy was like combination &;two of my last dog when they was puppies, all...

Hello Eddie,Sorry its taken so long to email you with some pictures but we have only just got the internet in our new house!please find attach some recent pictures of "Hades" now called Busby! Hope you like them!Take care,Lucy Akrotiri

Hi Eddie, Thanks you for my little Frenchie, he is more that what I expected. He is just gorgeous Haven't stopped playing. Altha, Pretoria, South Africa

Carol & Andrew Wagner

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Marno Hytonen

Nummela, Finland

Lucy Morley & Philip Wolstenholme

Akrotiri, Cyprus

Altha Antoniades

Pretoria, South Africa