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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Thought you would like the photo, this Reina which means queen in Spanish she is simply beautiful and very affectionate !!!!!

Mario,Just wanted to pass along a picture of Argos the St Bernard. My family and I are extremely happy with him. His name is Bearon von Meatloaf but, we call him Bear for short. If you can every forward on to the breeder that they did an excellent job of socializing him and training him we would appreciate it. Thanks...

Dear Sandor,Oh my...what can say. He is great and huge! When we picked him up, he was wagging his tail and he was so excited and just wanted to play. He has been running non-stop since we got home and finally settled down to sleep. Our other dog, Tanner (who was way more calm as a puppy) and him are...

Hi Eddie!!Thank you very much for sending us such a wonderful puppy, and for being so helpful in the process!! We love Diesel so much and we don't know what we'd do without her in our lives!! She is fun loving and well mannered...a perfect addition to our family!We will continue to pass the Euro Puppy name on to those...

Jose Rodriguez

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Ines C. Borrmann

Schenectady, United States

Keith & Nicole Davis

Boston, United States

Judith & Fraser Clair

Ontario, Canada