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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

As I promised I wanted to send you pictures of Dayan. We call her Amica Dayana. She is really happy and loves her playmate/sister, Seanna. She is a wonderful dog and love having her as an addition to our family. Thank you,Stephanie & Mike Weaver

Sandor,We picked Martin up at the airport today. He is AWESOME! It didn't take long for him to settle in to our home/family, and he appears to be in good health and good spirits (although a bit on the skinny side).I'll be taking him to the vet for a check-up on Saturday and I'll let you know how that goes....

Hi Eddie, My husband and I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier from Euro puppy almost a year ago. He is now over one year old and healthy, happy, and handsome! Leopold is my new best friend and he has not caused any problems whatsoever since we adopted him. Leopold's personality is absolutely wonderful: he loves all dogs and all people, especially...

Dear Lasheika, Thanks for the wishes! Kenny is very happy and healthy and we love him so much. Here’s some pictures that we took of him recently, Best Regards Dory

Stephanie Weaver

Aviano, Italy

Micah Schmidt

Hilliard, United States

Kathleen J. & Michael P. Dillard

Mons, Belgium

Dory Bitar

Piraeus, Greece