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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hey Eddie, I couldnt get to the link to fill out the survey but here is a update: Hurley (formerly known as Frodo), is doing amazing! After we picked him up from the Airport he was so friendly and excited. He is so happy here in his new home and is already trained on his pee mat and is fetching...

hi eddie its saturday morning we have renamed roller vinnie suits his temperment so much better he seems to have settled in realy well eating drinking and playing great we have a vets appointment tomorrow (sunday) so will inform you of the visit once again thank you so much for all your help over the last few weeks and the...

Hello Sandor and Zoltan,It was a long trek to Denver on Friday (721 miles round trip). The temperature reached 107 degree F (42 degrees Celcius). The traffic going through denver was terrible and it became apparent that we would be late picking up the puppy. I was also concerned about the effect of the temperature on the puppy. We arrived...

This is Charleen's winning video contest entry, featuring their beautiful Siberian Husky puppy, Hachi.http://www.youtube.com/embed/G4heXGd4W_g

Kaley Johnson

Valletta, Malta

Alan & Lorna Farmer

Manama, Bahrain

Jim & Alicia Adams

Riverdale, United States

Charleen Lockhart

Aviano, Italy