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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Lasheika Campbel, I was so lucky to Have Sheba, a beautiful Rottweiler, intelligent, loyal, strong yet soft. I am enjoying her training as she shows big potential. Thanks again

Hi Eddie, I just wanted to share an awesome picture of KONG and my daughter. He sure is the man of the house! I hope you like it. Sincerely, Tina Crowley

Hi EddieThis is Sumo in his new home. We are so excited with this little guy. Thanks for everything. I hope you like the pictures.Susan

Hi there - Thanks for the mail. Yes - it was Niagara’s 1st birthday yesterday. He was given lots of treats. We immediately bonded when he arrived - and I am VERY VERY happy with him. He is such a special dog (not just because he’s mine!) He really is lovely. The Breeders did a great job I think -...

Abdelkarim Alrashid

Amman, Jordan

Tina Crowley

Philadelphia, United States

Susan E. Preston

Munich, Germany

Andrew Harris

London, United Kingdom