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Comentarios de Clientes

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Dear Eddie, It just to confirm to you last Friday evening the puppy was delivered very well. That same day it passed a veterinary recognition and it was perfectly. Enclosed you have some pictures taken last Saturday. Thank you very much. Best regards Pedro

Eddie, Our Transylvanian Hound is now a few days shy of four months and she is fantastic. She is gorgeous, smart and defiant. She is taking obedience classes and impresses us and the trainer with her quick learning. Thanks again for making this hapen! Per

Hi Lasheika, Thank you for your email. Chili, who we renamed to: Snowy, is just lovely. He really is the most delightful and loving dog, both my boys adore him. We have had to manage his itchy skin though which is tough in the Dubai heat. But otherwise very happy and healthy. please see pictures attached kind regards

Hey Eddie`,I've got some more pictures of Bedford for you. The other Bullmastiff in the pics is the female that I purchased from you last year, have you ever seen a nicer looking female, she looks better than most of the males I've seen. The French Bulldog is the male I got from you as well.Thank you and stay cool,Andrew...

Pedro Rovira Viñas

Madrid, Spain

Per Högdahl

Colorado, United States

Susan Farrow

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Andrew M. Haven

Goldsboro, United States