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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie, My husband and I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier from Euro puppy almost a year ago. He is now over one year old and healthy, happy, and handsome! Leopold is my new best friend and he has not caused any problems whatsoever since we adopted him. Leopold's personality is absolutely wonderful: he loves all dogs and all people, especially...

Hello! Layla is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well . Here are some pictures of my little angel :)

Hi Sandor,Thank you again for bringing Georgia into our lives! As you can see from the pictures, she is very happy and playful. She loves her stuffed toys so much that she even brings them into her crate with her for naps and bedtime. Georgia is also quite the cuddler; we think that she would sit on our laps all...

Hi Shane! Panda is now called Wilson! Thank you for the bday message!- Wilson was very much delighted! 😊 Here are some pics. Wilson is doing great and we’re loving him more and more with each day that passes!

Kathleen J. & Michael P. Dillard

Mons, Belgium

Cristiane Sa

Oslo, Norway

Alissa Neibert & Michael Walmsley

Jersey City, United States

Zina Saab

Kuwait, Kuwait