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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Eddie White Wonder (now renamed Whiskey by my young son) arrived in very good condition. He didn’t seem stressed by the journey and settled in quickly. He cried for what was left of Friday night, but went to bed without a sound on Saturday and Sunday. He is already good friends with our German Shepherd, is stealing the food...

Hi Eddie, Its carla, wanted to let u know that twix (previous darcy) is doing fine, a very playfull and sweet dog. We get him a trainer to help us in the training, though he doesn't listen much to us! It will workout eventually, the kids love him and spoil him. Will follow with some more pictures. Regards, Carla Tabet

Dear Sandor,I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the 2 Tri Cavalier King Charles Spaniels I purchased from you.Not only are they absolutely gorgeous but they have the best personalities. Their champion pedigrees are remarkable and I consider myself very lucky to have gotten them. Thank you for your helpfullness and kindness but most of all...

Hi Eddie, Tibor, Just want to confirm Stargazer arrived smoothly yesterday, and seems to be starting to adapt well very quickly! Cheers, Matt, Valletta, Malta

Patrick Gaertner

Cape Town, South Africa

Paul & Carlita Tabet

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Becky Holleman

Kinston, United States

Matt Chauvel

Valletta, Malta