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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie, I would like to inform you that Tank is doing great, he is growing up so fast and is a bundle of joy. Attached is a picture of our big boy! Regards, Ehab

Hi Eddie, How are you? Just to let you know Apollo has settled in great with us. He is so clever and is so much fun. He has grown into his paws now so he doesnt look so goofy! lol He keeps me very busy but I can not imagine life without him now!! Thank you for helping bring him...

hello there eddie all is well here with maximus and apollo . they are very happy boys , maximus the blk and tan one is much slower with his potty training but im sure he will get it one day I’ve sent a pic for you. They are great dogs and i thank your for all your help happy new...

Hi Mario,Me n my brother Vibhav got Kwein from europuppy last year.He seems to have settled well in India .We are sorry we couldn't send u his pics and update you earlier.We have named him VEER (means 'The Brave' in Hindi) .He's doing great and is one of the best things that ever happened to us.Thanks to you again.Here are...

Ehab Mashat

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Zoe Walker & Diego Massucci

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Daniel Bumgardner & Ralph Jansen

Rome, Italy

Vibhav Yadav

Pradesh, India