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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

I have seven cavaliers and have been breeding dogs for awhile. When I found Sandor on the web site I really liked the quality of the dogs he had for sale.I bought two solids from him. I was worried about flying them so far, but they did great.I think buying two made the flight easier then buying one. The airline...

Hello, Truman and Casey are doing amazing. They are now 2 years old and the biggest cuddle buddies.. especially with each other. Truman now weighs 65 lbs and stands 30 inches tall. He loves Daddy and Mommy, his sister Malina (kitten) and jumping on everything. OH! And of course his brother. His favorite treats are blueberries and Duck. He loves...

Since her arrival sweet Maggie is happy and healthy with her big brother Albert (also adopted from Euro Puppy)

Hi Lasheika, Sorry it took so long to reply. I can't believe Dred is already 1 year old. You can't believe the looks I get when I say I have a 160 pound one year old puppy. And he is still very much a puppy. I got him mainly as a companion for my 86 year old father who has...

Cynthia Hudak

Seneca, United States


Wiesbaden , Germany

Richard Sofge

Kuwait, Kuwait

Christy Schultz

Woodburn, United States