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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Mario-I just wanted to thank you again for helping with the process of getting my baby home! Dante, as we call him, is doing very well. His ears were cropped about three weeks ago and have healed very nicely. He is almost 5 months and is 65 lbs- and I'm keeping him pretty thin right now! He is doing great...

Jen and I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation for all that you did. Ferdinand is perfect and fitting in to his new surroundings. Here is a pic of him with his new sister Belle in Homestead, FL. He has been to the vet per your instructions. Kind regards Bil and Jen

Hi there Thanks for your email about Betty’s birthday. She is now called Ottie ! As you can see she is in great form and loves the desert. Ottie of Arabia. Please tell her breeders she is much loved Adrian Gane

Hi Sandor,just thought I’d send along a couple of pictures of Nahka and Athos. They are both doing wonderfully. Athos just turned 1 year last month and Nahka is now 1 yr & 8 months. How time just flies by.I must tell you that the French Bulldog breed is an amazing breed of dog. We have so many laughs with...

Alysha Forsythe

Acworth, United States

Jen & Bil

Homestead, United States

Adrian Gane

Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates

Amy & Dana

Newtonville, United States