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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie: I just want to give you a quick up-date about Loyale the Coton du Tulear puppy sent end of August, the 24th I think. She is doing very well and I am impressed about how socialized she is. Please thank the breeder as she has a wonderful disposition and we all just love her. Even my husband and...

Hi Steve Uncle, I am Supratim,s son. Dear Steve Poppins is doing great he has settled in very well he is being very naughty and chewing eevrywhere he listens to all of us and sleeps the whole day. Here are some pictures

Dear Shane, Thank you for reminding us of Winston's 3rd Birthday today - coinciding with Fathers' Day. Please see below a few shots taken in the last couple of days. Winston is our joy and has accompanied our daughter Maya (now 16) through recent and persistent Covid-lockdowns, keeping her happy & sane. Winston has a strong personality and demands a...

I couldn’t be happier with Léon. He is an amazing dog - and has been my perfect companion since day one. He was very shaken from the long journey from Hungary to the UK. But within 5 minutes of him arriving at my house, he had made himself at home and immediately felt at ease. He has the perfect temperament...

Anita De Dreu

Toronto, Canada

Supratim Chatterjee

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tissa Aluwihare

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Andrew Harris

London, United Kingdom