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Comentarios de Clientes

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Eddie,We got the puppy, and she is just beautiful!!This is a pic of Brad and Zoe.Here are some more pics too of her in the office with staff.Thank you,Carie

Hello Eddie, Here I send a few pictures of Amy (Lena Neufundländer).My English is bad. Amy is a very pretty bitch become.Duffy (Pug) is Amy's friend. My Amy is a cute mouse, with the ic've always friends.Bye Rosi aus Germany.

Hi Eddie, This is the picture of Gangster thank you for everything, he is so cute. Regards, Mishal & Dr Ahlam Kuwait City, Kuwait

Dear Varga, Appreciate your follow up and we are very pleased to have Quincy (Phantom) with us, he is coping very well to the new climate and enjoying his time with us. One thing is for sure, he is a very well behaved house dog and enjoys sleeping in our bed. Thank you and your team for ensuring that he...

Brad H. Ferguson

Waynesville, United States

Roswitha Pongratz

Furth im Wald, Germany

Meshal Alhusain & Ahlam Bouriky

Kuwait, Kuwait

Naser Al Omaira

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates