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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie, Just wanted to let you know that after a bath and a quick trip to the vet, Perdita (now known as Miss Daisy Mae) is doing really well in her new home. She has really bonded with me today and refuses to leave my side. The driver said it may take her some time to warm up as she...

Hi Eddie,I sent you a message when I attached the photos but I guess it didn't go through. We just wrote because we wanted to thank you for all the help you've given us in getting the bulldog. We had taken him to the vet last week and she said that he was the perfect bulldog standard and very healthy....

Hi EddieJust letting you know that Flore is home safe & sound. She is adjusting very well and is taking a nap on my lap right now. We decided to name her Bella. Thanks for all your help. Here is a picture we took when she got here!Meghan

Hey eddy, Look at him now. Became more active and had minced beef twice and licked his bowl. He liked beef more than chicken. Now cheawing bone. He is very playfull. Now slowly mixing with us & i belive he will be normal soon. Went to docs and has declare him fit but will recover from stress & drepression than...

katheen Colins

Ceolini, Italy


Brooklyn, United States

Meghan Burkhart

Grosslittgen, Germany

Arun Kumar Sabui

Doha, Qatar