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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, Very Good News! Today 24.09.08 the Kennel Paper arrived! Thank you again for the perfect supportand the time being there when needed! Attached some more pics of our Wotan and Alice, taken just a week ago. We'll keep you updated of here developments, she's doing great! Take care Best regards from Austria Claudia & Werner and all other...

Hello Eddie,I am sorry this has taken me so long to send these! Here are a few pictures of Betsy (changed by my daughter...)She is a great dog. We love her so much- she has adjusted very well to our lifestyle, and to our cats. She also does phenomenal with children. Right now we are house training, which we still...

Steve, Great work and thanks for everything, we love our new girl. Roma Trava

Hello Eddie,We bought a male French Mastiff from you in Dec 07. He is so wonderful! His temperament is so calm. He is great with people and other dogs. We love him and his breed so much we have decided to search for a female now..I have attached photos of Dexter.Sally Ramos

Claudia Werner

Schönau im Mühlkreis, Austria

Katie Loeffler

Frankfurt, Germany

Dean Trava

Ridgewood, United States

Sally Ramos

Ventura, United States