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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Lasheika, Please find attached some pictures and videos for both Berg and Yadora, Thank you,

Dear Sandor,Hello , i hope you be fine . I sent you new photo of Plucky with us .Thank you Sandor for being so patient and helpful and professional with meI wouldn't hesitate to refer a prospective puppy buyer to you and Europuppy!!Also , Please thank her breeder for me , for creating this incredible little boySandor our new year...

Hello again guys, I've attached photos of cyrus for you. He is growning up and is looking so handsome. I'm so proud of him. He makes me feel like the dog whisperer becasue he takes so well to training. Who ever heard of a dog being completely house trained in 2 weeks. Thanks again guys for giving me the best...

Hi Eddie, Just wanted to thank you for your more than professional service. Lil'Kim arrived late last night and is still a bit unsure what happened to her. But she will certainly settle in to be an important part of the family. Thanks a lot. Mohammed Kuwait City, Kuwait

Sulaiman Almudayan

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Ali Salamat

Esfahan, Iran

Waheed Khairy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Mohammed A. M. Al Sabah

Kuwait, Kuwait