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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to pass along some photos of Leopold and Princess and tell how much of joy they have brought us. People ask us where we got these two wonderful puppies and of course we them Euro Puppy! We received a GREAT service.Leopold is a great boy as he puts up with Princess a lot, she takes his...

Sandor,Just thought that I would let you know that my 6 month old male Havanese that I purchased from you last year just entered his first show and won Best of Breed. He beat 19 other dogs and 9 other champion males. My handler Larry was so very happy and I am so very proud of him. The Judge said...

Here is a recent picture of the beauty queen. Thanks for all your help Eddie. Patricia.

Hello! Jasmin and I wanted to wish you guys merry christmas and happy new year! Here is a few photos of her for you to see. She has grown to be very beautiful, super friendly and loving young dog. We teached her to ”speak” on command. She loooves winter. Hope you enjoy! Thank you again for bringing this blessing into...

Naveed I. Butt

Stafford, United States

Else J Whitney

Freeland, United States

Patricia Simoes Beal

Baumholder, Germany

Milla Holopainen

Järvenpää, Finland